At the end of year 2021, QuaMaFA project members got together for a two-day status symposium at University of Duisburg-Essen. The purpose of this meeting was to receive feedbacks on our group and individual research projects from experts, Prof. David Chiavacci (Professor in Social Science of Japan, University of Zurich) and Prof. Karen Shire (Scholar-in-Residence at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and Chair of Comparative Sociology and Japanese Society Institute of Sociology and Institute of East Asian Studies, University Duisburg-Essen).
This symposium kicked off with a public lecture by Prof. Chiavacci “Boundaries, Establishment, Internal Structures, Governance, and Recent Trends of the East Asian Migration Region”. The lecture was conducted online, and more than 50 people around the world were present, despite the large time differences. We really appreciated your participation!
The 2nd day was fully devoted to present our group & individual research projects in front of the two invited professors to receive feedbacks. Although each project was at different phases of research, both experts provide us constructive comments throughout the presentations. This status symposium was a great occasion, not only to end the year 2021 with constructive exchanges but also to launch the year 2022 with full potentials of improvement in our research!
This event would not have been organized without the technical, graphic and infrastructural of Institute of East-Asian Studies (IN-EAST) in University of Duisburg- Essen. Additionally, this event was sponsored by Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (BMBF).
For those who have missed the lecture, the lecture video is available from our Youtube channel.
You can also check the ideas presented in the lecture from a following publication: Chiavacci, David (2020). Keeping immigration under control: development and characteristics of the East Asian migration region. In: Schubert, Gunter; Plümmer, Franziska; Bayok, Anastasiya. Immigration Governance in East Asia: Norm Diffusion, Politics of Identity, Citizenship. London, 16-39