Publications by our project members on the current research focus include
Hof, Helena. 2022. The EU Migrant Generation in Asia: Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities. Bristol: Global Migration and Social Change Series, Bristol University Press. Podcast: ‘The EU Migrant Generation in Asia. Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities’. New Books Network, 22 February .
Wadhwa, Megha: Indian Migrants in Tokyo: A Study of Socio-Cultural, Religious and Working Worlds. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Achenbach, Ruth: Return Migration Decisions. A Study on Highly Skilled in Japan. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Wadhwa, Megha: Opportunities and Challenges in a Foreign Land: A Study of Indian Resident Community in Tokyo and its Vicinity. Tokyo: Occasional Papers (Monographs Series), Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University.
academic journal articles
Hof, Helena. Forthcoming. “‘White Innovation’: Conceptualizing Changing Racial Hierarchies Through Migrant Entrepreneurship in Singapore and Japan.” In Migration, Transnational Flows, and the Contested Meanings of Race in Asia, IMISCOE Research Series, S. Lan & M. Debnár (Eds). Springer.
Hof, Helena, Aimi Muranaka, and Joohyun Justine Park. 2024. “Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants’ access to the labor market.” Asia and Pacific Migration Journal. DOI: 10.1177/01171968241292376.
Hof, Helena. 2024. “Pushing Social Norms: Foreign Entrepreneurs Fueling Japan’s Innovation?» Contemporary Japan.
Muranaka, Aimi. “Perks or burdens? Being ‘nearly (Im)mobile’ as IT foreign professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan”. Contemporary Japan. DOI:
Muranaka, Aimi. “Being a Foreigner During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Researcher Positionality in Online Interviews”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 25(1). DOI: 10.17169/fqs-25.1.4075
Hof, Helena and Jaafar Alloul. Migratory class-making in global Asian cities: The European mobile middle negotiating ambivalent privilege in Tokyo, Singapore, and Dubai. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2271669
Muranaka, Aimi. “‘Framing’ and ‘Packaging’ of Foreign Skilled Workers: Diversity of the Intermediary Actors in the Cross-Border Labour Market Between Japan and Vietnam”. Globalizations. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2023.2165376
Tran, Huy An and Aimi Muranaka. ‘Editorial – Transnational Flows of Contemporary Asia: Trends and Futures’. The German Journal on Contemporary Asia. 162/163: 7-14.
Muranaka, Aimi. ‘Brokerage in the cross-border labour market: Recruitment and training of Vietnamese IT workers by Japanese temporary staffing firms’. Asian Studies Review. DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2022.2093836
Muranaka, Aimi. ‘Beyond blue ocean? The roles of intermediaries in the cross-border labour market between Japan and Vietnam.’ Global networks. DOI: 10.1111/glob.12356
Hof, Helena, Simon Pemberton and Emilia Pietka-Nykaza. ‘EU migrant retention and the temporalities of migrant staying: A new conceptual framework.’ Comparative Migration Studies. 10.1186/s40878-021-00225-5
Hof, Helena and Yen-Fen Tseng. ‘When “global talents” struggle to become local workers: The new face of skilled migration to corporate Japan.’ Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 29: 4. DOI: 10.1177/0117196820984088
Hof, Helena. ‘Intersections of Race and Skills in European Migration to Asia: Between White Cultural Capital and ‘Passive Whiteness’. Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1822535.
Hof, Helena. ‘Opting Out for Getting In: Existential Mobility in European Graduates’ Migration to Asia.’ Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2020.1755761.
Wadhwa, Megha: In the age of COVID-19 – Indian restaurants and the Indian cooks in Japan. The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus.
Hof, Helena. ‘The Eurostars Go Global: Young Europeans’ Migration to Asia for Distinction and Alternative Life Paths.’ Mobilities. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2019.1643164.
Hof, Helena. ‘‘Worklife Pathways’ to Singapore and Japan: Gender and Racial dynamics in Europeans` Mobility to Asia’, Social Science Japan Journal, Special Issue Winter 2018, 21 (1): 45-65.
Liu-Farrer, Gracia and Helena Hof. ‘Ōtebyō: the Problems of Japanese Firms and the Problematic Elite Aspirations.’ Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda), 34: 65-84.
Wadhwa, Megha: Binding Indians Abroad: Religious Participation of Indian Migrants in Tokyo. Tokyo: The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies No. 34, 113-134.
Achenbach, Ruth: “Having it all” – at what cost? Strategies of Chinese highly skilled women in Japan to combine career and family. In: Contemporary Japan 26, 2, pp. 223-243.
Achenbach, Ruth: Networks in Transition: Migration Decisions in the Life Course of Highly Skilled Chinese in Japan. In: ASIEN, 124, pp. 137-158.
chapters in edited volumes
Muranaka, Aimi. “The myth of Vietnamese IT and engineering professionals being “shin-nichi”? Their short-term participation in the Japanese labour market.” In Immigration and Quality of Life in Ageing Societies: How Attractive for Migrants are Japan and Germany? by Aeneas Zi Wang, Aimi Muranaka and Florian Coulmas (eds.). Routledge: pp. 89-107. DOI: 9781003425359-6
Wang, Aeneas Zi and Aimi Muranaka. “Attractive immigrants or attractive for immigrants? Two ageing societies and migration.” In Immigration and Quality of Life in Ageing Societies: How Attractive for Migrants are Japan and Germany? by Aeneas Zi Wang, Aimi Muranaka and Florian Coulmas (eds.). Routledge: pp. 1-16 DOI: 9781003425359-1
Hof, Helena. 2022. ‘Die mixed embeddedness ausländischer Unternehmer*innen in Tōkyōs
Startup-Ökosystem.’ In: Chiavacci, David; Wieczorek, Iris. Japan 2022. München: VSJF – Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung, 233-259.
Hof, Helena. ‘Locally embedded cosmopolitans: Young Europeans crafting their own space in Singapore and Tokyo.’ In Contemporary European Emigration, by Brigitte Suter and Lisa Åkesson (eds.). Routledge: pp. 39-57.
Achenbach, Ruth: Karriere, Familie und Lebensstil – Remigration als Strategie zur Produktion von subjektivem Wohlbefinden bei hochqualifizierten Chinesen in Japan [Career, Family and Lifestyle – Remigration as a Strategy for Subjective Well-Being of Highly Skilled Chinese in Japan]. In: Schad-Seifert, Annette and Nora Kottmann (eds.): Japan in der Krise. Soziale Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 121–146.
Hof, Helena and Gracia Liu-Farrer. ‘Gender, Labour and Migration in Japan.’ In The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture by Mark Pendleton, Jennifer Coates and Lucy Fraser (eds.). Routledge: pp. 189-98.
Achenbach, Ruth: Functions of Networks in Chinese Highly Skilled Migration to Japan – Replaceable Sources of Information or Essential Sources of Stability? In: Marung, Steffi und Matthias Middell (Hrsg.): Transnational Actors – Crossing Borders. Transnational History Studies. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, S. 35–49.
please watch this space for updates on our project’s publications!